You need to keep your home at the optimal temperature. You don’t want it to get too hot or too cold. If your home is not comfortable, then you should get in touch with HVAC in Frazer, PA. There are several ways that the temperature of your home can harm your health.
Dangers Of Staying in a Home That Is Too Cold
- Worsening Arthritis: If you have arthritis, then it may get worse if you sit in a home that is too cold. Studies have shown that cold temperatures can trigger arthritis. It tends to worsen the inflammation around the joints.
- Worsening Lung Conditions: If you have asthma or another respiratory condition, then it can be harder for you to control it if you expose yourself to cold temperatures. The cold air tends to irritate the airways. It can also cause your airways to narrow, which can make it harder for you to breathe.
- Poor Sleep: Getting the proper amount of sleep is one of the keys to staying healthy. However, if your HVAC in Gilbertsville, PA is not working properly, then it can be harder for you to sleep.
- Mental Health Conditions: Cold weather not only affects you physically, but it also affects you mentally. Cold weather has been linked to poor mental health. It has been linked to depression and anxiety. Dangers of A Hot Home
- Skin Problems: Hot temperatures are not friendly to your skin. Eczema is one of the skin problems that has been linked to hot weather. Heat tends to worsen skin conditions.
- Fatigue: If you have been getting enough sleep and you still feel fatigued, then your home may be to blame. Excess heat can cause fatigue. You may also find that it is harder for you to concentrate during the day.
- Increased Risk of Sickness: You may be more susceptible to certain illnesses if your home is too hot. Heat tends to stimulate the growth of bacteria. This can also cause the germs to spread.
- Dehydration: Heat causes your body to lose water more quickly. This can quickly lead to dehydration. Many people do not even realize that they are getting dehydrated. If you are sweating profusely and have not been drinking a lot of water, then you may be dehydrated.
- Loss of Appetite: Heat can cause you to lose your appetite. This can put you at risk of becoming malnourished.